DHIS2 Data Sets and Data Entry Forms – Details

  • Define best practices
  • Demonstrate how to create a default dataset
  • Demonstrate how to create a section dataset
  • Demonstrate how to create a section dataset
  • Introduce participants to custom data collection forms
  • Scripting in Data Entry Form
  • Live Demo
  • Exercise
  • Collection of data elements
  • Used for data entry
  • Based on a set collection frequency (ie. monthly, weekly, etc.)
  • Assigned to org units and user roles
  • Can use categories to attribute different parameters to the data set
  • Form types include: Default, Section and Custom
  • NOTE: In database design, data values are NOT linked to the dataset, rather they are linked to DE, they were collected in (only to the data elements)
  • Default form: Sections based on category combinations
  • Section form: Configurable form sections based on related data elements (category combinations)
  • Custom Forms: Allow for completely flexible design – replica of paper forms
  • A scenario when you need to capture a data entry form for implementing partners or funding mechanisms and/or projects.
  • Create category options and categories for all partners mechanisms and projects, link them in a new category combination and assign to dataset
  • Data set in data entry module, the partner, mechanism and project categories will automatically be rendered as drop-down boxes
  • Tabular forms, automatically generated based on dataset sections
  • Split a data set into multiple sections: Each section has only 1 category combination (set of columns)
  • Support sub-tables (sections) and sub-headings
  • Possible to disable (grey out) not applicable fields in the table
  • Can use data element form names (if available)
  • Sub-totals and totals available in data set reports
  • Can insert indicators into the sections, Automatically updated whenever there are changes in the dataset,(i.e. adding, removing, or changing data elements)
  • Recommended starting approach in country as it is very fast, offers clean design and can be maintained easily
  • 100% flexibility in the design including using different elements of scripting
  • Each data field needs to link to a data element + category option combination
  • Supports the use of indicators to provide flexible on-the-fly calculations in the form (based on data elements in the dataset)
  • Take a lot more time to design and maintain
  • More resources required to maintain over time when there are changes to the forms (e.g. adding, removing, or changing data elements)
  • Example to design Custom form

Business Requirements: The University of Oslo wants to collect aggregated data on “DHIS2 Academies” over the world. So we have to design a data entry form for collecting academies information.

DHIS2 Level-1 Academy Information

Academy Information Data
Country Name
Academy Name
Opening Date
Closing date
Number of Participants
Number of Organization
Total Male
Total Female

Open your excel sheet, design your data entry screen:

Copy the excel table and paste it in DHIS2 data entry form editor:


Example of Custom form calculation:

<-script type="text/javascript"> dhis2.util.on( 'dhis2.de.event.formReady', function( event,iReVg2xgFPL ) { var periodN= $( '#selectedPeriodId' ).val();// From DHIS2 Selection Param var nextPeriod=(+periodN) + (+1);//201611,201612,201613 var nextPeriodSeperate=periodN.toString().substring(0, 4); var year=parseInt(nextPeriodSeperate.trim()); var month=parseInt(periodN % 100); if(month==12){ year++; month='01'; nextPeriod=year+'01'; //console.log("Next period: "+nextPeriod); } $('.selectedDate').val(nextPeriod); }); function validateStockOutNumber(stockoutDays){ var sOut=$(stockoutDays).val(); if(sOut>31){ $(stockoutDays).val(' '); $(stockoutDays).val(0); alert('Sorry the number of stockout days can not be greater than 31 '); } } function closingBL(op,re,adplus,adminus,con,closingid,opnextId,period){ // All id pick var opbalance= new Number(document.getElementById(op).value); var receipts= new Number(document.getElementById(re).value); var adjustPlus= new Number(document.getElementById(adplus).value); var adjustMinus= new Number(document.getElementById(adminus).value); var consump= new Number(document.getElementById(con).value); var nextPeriod= $(period).val(); // Closing Balance text data set var clobalance=opbalance+receipts+adjustPlus-adjustMinus-consump; $(closingid).val(clobalance);// Display closing balance at the text field $(opnextId).val(clobalance);// Display closing balance at the text field $(closingid).change(); $(opnextId).change(); $(closingid).prop("readonly",true); $(opnextId).prop("readonly",true); // Spliting Element ID var ArrayFromString = op.split("-"); var elementId=ArrayFromString[0]; //console.log('Element Id: '+elementId); //console.log('nextPeriod Id: '+nextPeriod); var valueSaver = new ValueSaver( elementId,nextPeriod, 'dCWAvZ8hcrs', clobalance, null, 'red' ); valueSaver.save(); } <-/script>


Live Demo

  • Define best practices
  • Demonstrate how to create a default dataset
  • Demonstrate how to create a section dataset
  • Demonstrate how to create a section dataset
  • Introduce participants to custom data collection forms
  • Scripting in Data Entry Form
  • Live Demo
  • Exercise
  • Collection of data elements
  • Used for data entry
  • Based on a set collection frequency (ie. monthly, weekly, etc.)
  • Assigned to org units and user roles
  • Can use categories to attribute different parameters to the data set
  • Form types include: Default, Section and Custom
  • NOTE: In database design, data values are NOT linked to the dataset, rather they are linked to DE, they were collected in (only to the data elements)
  • Default form: Sections based on category combinations
  • Section form: Configurable form sections based on related data elements (category combinations)
  • Custom Forms: Allow for completely flexible design – replica of paper forms
  • A scenario when you need to capture a data entry form for implementing partners or funding mechanisms and/or projects.
  • Create category options and categories for all partners mechanisms and projects, link them in a new category combination and assign to dataset
  • Data set in data entry module, the partner, mechanism and project categories will automatically be rendered as drop-down boxes
  • Tabular forms, automatically generated based on dataset sections
  • Split a data set into multiple sections: Each section has only 1 category combination (set of columns)
  • Support sub-tables (sections) and sub-headings
  • Possible to disable (grey out) not applicable fields in the table
  • Can use data element form names (if available)
  • Sub-totals and totals available in data set reports
  • Can insert indicators into the sections, Automatically updated whenever there are changes in the dataset,(i.e. adding, removing, or changing data elements)
  • Recommended starting approach in country as it is very fast, offers clean design and can be maintained easily
  • 100% flexibility in the design including using different elements of scripting
  • Each data field needs to link to a data element + category option combination
  • Supports the use of indicators to provide flexible on-the-fly calculations in the form (based on data elements in the dataset)
  • Take a lot more time to design and maintain
  • More resources required to maintain over time when there are changes to the forms (e.g. adding, removing, or changing data elements)
  • Example to design Custom form

Business Requirements: The University of Oslo wants to collect aggregated data on “DHIS2 Academies” over the world. So we have to design a data entry form for collecting academies information.

DHIS2 Level-1 Academy Information

Academy Information Data
Country Name
Academy Name
Opening Date
Closing date
Number of Participants
Number of Organization
Total Male
Total Female

Open your excel sheet, design your data entry screen:

Copy the excel table and paste it in DHIS2 data entry form editor:


Example of Custom form calculation:

<-script type="text/javascript"> dhis2.util.on( 'dhis2.de.event.formReady', function( event,iReVg2xgFPL ) { var periodN= $( '#selectedPeriodId' ).val();// From DHIS2 Selection Param var nextPeriod=(+periodN) + (+1);//201611,201612,201613 var nextPeriodSeperate=periodN.toString().substring(0, 4); var year=parseInt(nextPeriodSeperate.trim()); var month=parseInt(periodN % 100); if(month==12){ year++; month='01'; nextPeriod=year+'01'; //console.log("Next period: "+nextPeriod); } $('.selectedDate').val(nextPeriod); }); function validateStockOutNumber(stockoutDays){ var sOut=$(stockoutDays).val(); if(sOut>31){ $(stockoutDays).val(' '); $(stockoutDays).val(0); alert('Sorry the number of stockout days can not be greater than 31 '); } } function closingBL(op,re,adplus,adminus,con,closingid,opnextId,period){ // All id pick var opbalance= new Number(document.getElementById(op).value); var receipts= new Number(document.getElementById(re).value); var adjustPlus= new Number(document.getElementById(adplus).value); var adjustMinus= new Number(document.getElementById(adminus).value); var consump= new Number(document.getElementById(con).value); var nextPeriod= $(period).val(); // Closing Balance text data set var clobalance=opbalance+receipts+adjustPlus-adjustMinus-consump; $(closingid).val(clobalance);// Display closing balance at the text field $(opnextId).val(clobalance);// Display closing balance at the text field $(closingid).change(); $(opnextId).change(); $(closingid).prop("readonly",true); $(opnextId).prop("readonly",true); // Spliting Element ID var ArrayFromString = op.split("-"); var elementId=ArrayFromString[0]; //console.log('Element Id: '+elementId); //console.log('nextPeriod Id: '+nextPeriod); var valueSaver = new ValueSaver( elementId,nextPeriod, 'dCWAvZ8hcrs', clobalance, null, 'red' ); valueSaver.save(); } <-/script>


Live Demo